How To Improve Concentration In Study

Studying can be challenging, not just because of the subject matter, but also because we all have different schedules and preferences.

Some people prefer to study in a quiet environment, while others prefer noise-free zones so they can focus better on their studies.

You can also do some things to improve your concentration levels when studying.

This article gives you a guide on how to improve concentration in study. You would have to concentrate on understanding all written herein.

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Factors Affecting Concentration In Study

Some days it seems like our focus is under attack from all sides. In fact, concentration is affected by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. 


Humans are faced with a constant stream of information, new or old, during the process of accomplishing a task. 

Scientists have found that our brains are so ready for this distraction that the mere sight of a smartphone affects our ability to concentrate. 

Insufficient Sleep

It is understood that lack of sleep can lead to lower productivity, alertness, slower thought processes, and reduced concentration. 

You will have more difficulty focusing and may be confused. This limits your ability to perform tasks that particularly involve logic or reasoning.  

Insufficient Physical Activity

Vigorous exercise makes you feel more relaxed and energetic throughout the day. When you are not doing physical activity, your muscles can become tense. 

You may feel the tension in your body, and such persistent discomfort can affect your concentration.

Poor Eating Habits

When we don’t supply our brains with the right nutrients, we experience symptoms like memory loss, fatigue, and lack of concentration. Low-fat diets can destroy focus because the brain needs certain essential fatty acids. 

Other restrictive diets can affect concentration by not providing the sufficient nutrients the brain needs or by causing hunger, cravings, or nausea in the body that are distracting in themselves.


Depending on what you are doing, the environment can affect your focus. Too much noise is a problem, but many people also have trouble concentrating when it’s too quiet. 

It’s not just the overall noise level but the type of noise.

A favorite song will quickly get you singing along, happily distracted, while less prominent instrumental tracks can keep you in the mood for the task.

How To Improve Concentration In Study

Make A Study Schedule

A study schedule is important but doesn’t have to be rigid. Ensure you have enough time and energy to study and set aside time for breaks and other activities to avoid burnout. 

You need to be able to stick with your schedule if you want good results.

Take A Break Each Time You Study

The best way to improve your concentration is by taking a break. This can be as simple as taking a 10-minute break after 45 minutes or something more involved, like taking a 30-minute break every 2 hours of studying time.

You mustn’t overdo this step, though. If you are working on something difficult and stressful, try taking longer breaks than usual, so your brain has time to relax. 

If you find yourself struggling because the information isn’t complex enough, take shorter breaks.

This will help keep things in perspective throughout each session.

Get Into A Routine

Your routine should include some activity you enjoy and are able to perform, whether it’s a daily walk or reading a book. 

The more you do something that relaxes and energizes you, the better you will be at studying. 

If possible, try to make study sessions in your routine so that you will be ready when the time comes for them.

Write A To-Do List

It’s common to look at everything you need to do to get it done and get overwhelmed. 

Breaking down your studies into smaller tasks will make it easier to manage your time and give you a sense of accomplishment.

This process also simplifies your goals, making getting lost in your workload harder.

Plan Your Study Time

Rather than scrambling to meet deadlines, set aside study time in your weekly schedule. 

In the long run, you’ll get used to studying at a certain time every day and avoid the unnecessary stress of crammed sessions or staying up all night.

Limit Multitasking

Trying to multitask gives us a feeling of productivity. However, you do not know that it’s also a recipe for lower focus and productivity, and this can lead to burnout. 

Examples of multitasking might include listening to a podcast while answering an email or talking to someone on the phone while writing a message. 

Such multitasking not only limits your ability to focus but also reduces the quality of your work.

Practice Mindfulness And Meditation

Meditation or mindfulness practice can boost well-being and mental fitness and improve focus. 

During meditation, our brain calms down, and our whole body relaxes. During the process, we focus on our breath so as not to be distracted by our minds. 

With practice, we can learn to bring our attention back to a task so that it can be accomplished, even if we are distracted.

Train Your Brain

Scientific research is beginning to gather evidence of the ability of brain training activities to improve cognitive abilities, including concentration, in adults. 

Brain training games can also help you develop your working and short-term memory, processing, and problem-solving skills. 

Examples of such games include jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku, chess, and brain-stimulating video games.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is the best way to improve brain function, and it’s free. You don’t need expensive equipment or fancy classes; just get up off your couch and do something active.

Exercise releases endorphins that can improve mood, boost endurance and increase blood flow to the brain. 

This improves memory and concentration and helps you sleep better at night.

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Change Up Where You Study

Don’t study in the same location every day. The first step to improving your concentration is to change where you study, and it’s a good idea to do so at least once weekly. 

This can be as simple as moving from one room in your house or apartment to another room, but some people prefer to make changes even more dramatic by going somewhere new entirely.

This change provides an opportunity for increased focus because it forces us off our normal routines and into new surroundings that are unfamiliar yet familiar enough that we feel comfortable. 

In addition, being forced out of our comfort zones creates a sense of urgency around completing tasks quickly; this helps keep our minds engaged.

Avoid Cramming

  • Don’t try to cram everything in at the last minute.
  • Don’t make your late study time a habit.
  • If you have trouble remembering what you’ve read, try reading more slowly and taking frequent breaks from studying so that your brain can process new information better.

Have Healthy Snacks On Hand

First, it can help you stay focused during study sessions by keeping your mind from wandering off and becoming distracted by hunger. 

Second, if you are eating later in the day, having something quick available will keep your stomach full so that hunger doesn’t interfere with concentration. 

Finally, when studying for exams or papers at night after work or school has ended, having something to eat before bedtime helps prevent those late-night cravings for unhealthy comfort food.


Why Can’t I Concentrate On My Studies?

Distractions such as social media, phone calls, and busy environments can affect concentration. If you want to focus, try turning off electronic devices and finding a tidy place with minimal noise and crowds.

What Should I Drink While Studying?

Drink tea or coffee instead. I got into green tea during my A Levels. It’s a great alternative to highly caffeinated drinks, but it still boosts your concentration and is also loaded with antioxidants. Bananas and chocolate are also fantastic sources of energy.

Why Do I Fail Even When I Study?

Problem: You need to be more productive and give yourself enough time to absorb the material before exam day. Solution: Create a routine that includes checking your notes regularly, and take a few minutes each evening to review your class notes.

What Foods To Avoid While Studying?

Avoid ultra-processed foods when you study, as they are often energy-dense and high in sugar and fat.

Why Am I So Lazy To Study For The Exam?

People may not feel comfortable, the environment may not be adjustable, distractions may creep in, or anything may happen that causes us to slip into laziness. But it will be a serious problem if people are consistent about it.

Why Is Studying So Hard?

One of the most common reasons students finds studying difficult is a lack of concentration. It is essential to stay focused and not let your mind wander while studying.

What Is The Most Effective Time To Study?

According to science, there are two windows of time when the brain is most receptive to new material: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Why Do I Forget What I Studied?

One possibility is that the neural circuits associated with old memories become rewired and harder to access and retrieve later – leading to what we know as forgetting.

Why Don’t I Remember What I Study?

Major changes in memory do not always signal Alzheimer’s disease. A stroke, head injury, lack of vitamins in your diet, or sleep problems can cause them. They may even be a side effect of one of your medications. If in doubt, see a doctor to sort it out.

Does Music Help You Study?

According to a 2007 study, music — specifically classical music — can help your brain absorb and interpret new information more easily. Your brain processes the information it receives from the world around you by breaking it down into smaller segments.


Studying is crucial to preparing for exams, but it’s not always the easiest thing to do. 

If you’re struggling with your concentration when studying, we hope this article on how to improve your concentration in the study has proved helpful.

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