10 Scholarships For People With Glasses In 2023

If you are one of those students that wear glasses then, this piece of good news that we will relate in this article is for you.

People with glasses always face a lot of stigmatization but in some schools wearing glasses is something good and also there are platforms that offer scholarships for this and that is what this article is going to be all about.

So in this article, we talk about those 10 scholarships for people with glasses in 2023 and other extra tips.

Scholarships For People With Glasses

We all know that students with eyeglasses in schools because of eye defects are always bullied and most times called different names because of this. 

They are always discriminated against and avoided socially. 

With all these ugly experiences it was important that these kinds of people receive a certain amount of love.

In a bid to bring balance, tackle and make up for the ill done toward people with glasses many organizations, and other bodies have taken it upon themselves to provide scholarships for people with glasses.

This will help put a smile on the faces of people like this and help them focus on studying without worrying too much about finance and ultimately build a good educational ecosystem.

How Early Should I Start Applying For Scholarships?

If you are interested in scholarships for people with glasses, then it is advisable that you apply as early and often as possible

Some scholarships out there have deadlines as early as one year before you go to university or college.

You do need to be certain about your university of interest before you start applying for scholarships

Even if you have missed the previous ones, get ready for another admission.

List Of Scholarships For People With Glasses

Below is a comprehensive list of 10 scholarships that are awarded to people with glasses.

They are as follows:

1. Anne Lowe Scholarship For The blind

This is one of the scholarships for people with glasses provided by the Record Service for the Blind people.

The program provides scholarships for students who are completely blind or legally blind in the United States.

This scholarship provides a cash award of US$1,000 to the receiving students.

It is important to also note that this scholarship is non-renewable which means that the recipient can only secure it once.

To receive this scholarship, students must be studying in a college or university with severe visual impairment.

The student must also be an American and must provide the necessary medical documentation. 

2. Kenneth Jernigan Scholarship.

The Kenneth Jernigan Scholarship is also a scholarship for students who wear glasses. 

The National Federation of the Blind is responsible for this scholarship program. 

They provide cash rewards to support blind and partially sighted students.

This scholarship opportunity is open to students who show and promote the teachings of Dr Kenneth Jernigan who was once the leader of the National Federation of the Blind.

The scholarship is currently worth more than US$10,000 and is one of the largest scholarships for people’s glasses. 

3. Association Of Blind Citizens Scholarship.

This is one of the scholarships for people with glasses provided by the Association of Blind Citizens. 

The scholarship is provided annually for visually impaired students.

Every year, high school graduates from California, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire or Rhode Island are termed qualified to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

This scholarship provides a cash award of US$1,000 to students who wear glasses and are also pursuing a college degree. 

Applicants should be blind, a legal resident of the United States, and must have been in a vocational program or attending higher education.

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4. Barbara Jackman Zuckert Scholarship For Blind Students.

This is one of the scholarships for people with glasses.

It is a scholarship program that is offered yearly where the winners of the scholarship are provided with $1,500 in cash to help them further their education. 

Candidates are selected based on excellent academic performance, financial needs and disability-related expenses.

It is important for you to know that only students who are currently pursuing at least a part-time undergraduate degree will be considered to apply for these scholarships. 

5. Delta Gamma Foundation Scholarship.

The Delta Gamma Foundation Scholarship is one of the scholarships for people with eyeglasses. 

The scholarship is offered on a yearly basis by the American Foundation for the Blind, and the winners are provided with $1,000 to help them achieve their academic goals. 

The scholarship providers specifically want to help the affected individuals break the stereotypes they face and also feel loved and valued just like normal students. 

In order for you to be eligible for this scholarship, you must be studying at an American university.

6. Fred Scheigert Scholarship Program.

The scholarship program is sponsored by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) and as such is open to people with glasses. 

Winners of this scholarship will receive $3,000 as a prize to help them stay in school. 

This award is for full-time college students who rely on glasses due to low vision. 

Although these scholarships are provided for students with visual impairments, students still need to meet other academic requirements. 

7. Council Of Citizens With Low Vision International (CCLVI) Scholarships

CCLVI is an advocacy organization advocating for the rights of people with impaired vision.

This group has responsibilities which is to ensure that all visually impaired citizens have the same equal and accessible rights as everyone else. 

Every year, CCVLI organizes various grants and scholarships for students who wear glasses.

From the Samuel Genensky PhD scholarship to Fred Scheigert scholarship program and so on. 

If you are in this category, you should consider applying for it.

8. Christian Record Services For The Blind Scholarship.

Christian Record Services for the Blind is a well-known producer of free publications for children and young people who do not have good vision. 

They also offer several scholarships to young people who are legally blind.

It provides a cash reward of $2,000 to its annual recipient.

To receive this scholarship, the applicant must be proven to be blind. 

Also, the applicant must be currently attending a college and aiming to obtain an undergraduate degree. 

9. Cappex Easy College Money Scholarship.

This is one of the scholarships for people with glasses and other students offered by Cappex. 

The organizers of this scholarship select a college student to award a cash prize of $1,000 as a form of scholarship. 

Although this scholarship is not only for students who wear glasses but still, students who wear glasses are also eligible to apply for this scholarship opportunity. 

The scholarship is awarded once a month and cannot be renewed. 

To be considered eligible to apply for this scholarship, students must already be in school or have or plan to attend high school or college within the next year. 

So if you are interested in applying, then you should visit their official website to know when it will commence.

10. National Federation Of The Blind (NFB) Scholarship.

The National Federation of the Blind is one of the sponsors of scholarships for students who are legally blind every year. 

They reward people who wear glasses through several scholarships of their own. 

Most of the scholarships offered by this platform are between US$3,000 and US$12,000 in prizes. 

Although the prizes for these scholarships are not renewable, the scholarship is very buoyant as 30 students receive multiple cash prizes each year. 

This scholarship for people with glasses is only open to students who are from America and Puerto Rican students studying in the United States which means that foreign students are not eligible. 


If you are in this category, then you should try applying for these scholarships for people with glasses.

You might be fortunate to win yourself a scholarship that will take you through your studies.

For more enquiries about this scholarship, You can visit the official websites of the schools.

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