Best Careers For People With Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a conditional mental illness that affects 1 per cent of the U.S. population. While medications and therapies are available to help manage symptoms, for some people, these treatments don’t produce enough relief.

That’s why it’s essential to know about other career options available to those with bipolar disorder so that you can provide yourself with additional financial stability and maybe even find love along the way. Let us teach you the best careers for people with Bipolar Disorder.

Careers For People With Bipolar Disorder

People with bipolar disorder can have a great careers. It is essential to choose wisely, but many careers can be good for people with bipolar disorder.

Not all careers are suitable for everyone, so getting the right support from your employer and other employees in your workplace is essential. Below are the best careers for people with Bipolar disorder:

1. Software Engineering

Software engineering is an excellent career for people with bipolar disorder because it requires problem-solving, multitasking, and working independently.

Bipolar disorder has characteristics of extreme mood swings that can cause you to have panic attacks or feel extremely happy or sad. This makes you more proactive than average when finding solutions for your problems which is what good software engineers do.

2. Psychology

Psychology is a good career for people with bipolar disorder. Psychologists are trained to understand the human mind and behavior, making them great candidates for working with individuals with mental health issues.

Psychologists can work in private practice or in hospitals, schools, and other institutions that serve people with mental illnesses like depression or bipolar disorder.

Psychologists are trained to help people with mental health issues. They may work in private practice, hospitals, or other institutions that serve people with depression or bipolar disorder.

3. Social work

Social work is a gratifying career. Social workers assist people of all ages and backgrounds, including those who are disabled or have mental health issues, to improve their quality of life by addressing issues such as poverty, homelessness, and abuse.

Social workers can work in hospitals, schools, community centers, and many other places where they provide counseling services to individuals suffering from mental illness. They also play an essential role in the criminal justice system by helping people accused of crimes get treatment during incarceration or probationary periods.

This is so that they’re not reincarcerated due to repeat offenses related to bipolar disorder. Social workers are needed in every community across America because most communities struggle with poverty levels above 20%.

In addition, there aren’t enough social workers available right now (especially post-graduation), so this could be an excellent opportunity for someone looking for something new but still wanting something challenging. 

4. Physical Therapy

Physical therapists help people with injuries, disabilities, and other medical conditions to improve their movement and manage their pain. In the United States, physical therapists work in clinics, nursing homes, hospitals, and private practice.

Physical therapy is an excellent career for people with bipolar disorder because it requires patience while working through many different types of injuries or disabilities.

Physical therapists also have to be able to multitask and stay focused when working with patients. They need strong communication skills because they often work with patients who are in pain, upset, or frustrated about their condition.

Physical therapists must also be able to work within a team setting because they often collaborate with other medical professionals.

5. Massage Therapy

If you have Bipolar disorder, you can become a massage therapist. You can find a job in the spa or as an independent contractor, but you’ll want to research each option before taking the plunge.

Your customer service skills are essential. Massage therapists often work with their clients one-on-one, so they must be able to communicate effectively and make them feel like they’re being heard and understood by the therapist.

6. Education

If you have bipolar disorder, teaching is a great career choice. Teaching helps make a difference in the world and teaches people how to help others. It’s also an excellent way to earn money, especially if you’re willing to go into debt for your education.

In fact, many people with bipolar disorder find that teaching gives them a sense of purpose that they didn’t know existed before going into academia or working at schools as counselors or social workers, or even as teachers. 

7. Nursing

Nursing is a great career for people with bipolar disorder because it allows you to help others affect a difference in their lives. You’ll be able to see how your actions impact the lives of others, which can be both rewarding and challenging at times.

Nursing has always been associated with helping others, so this profession makes sense for someone who wants to use their skills to help others as well as themselves.

It also offers many opportunities for advancement: from nurse practitioner (NP) positions where you work closely with doctors or other healthcare providers to becoming an administrator of all things medical at larger hospitals or clinics, even going into academia if that’s what your passion is. 

Read Also: Can You Major In Business And Minor In Psychology?

8. Veterinary Medicine

Veterinarians are trained to treat animals and diagnose medical conditions. They also perform surgeries, administer vaccinations and medications, and provide pet care advice.

Veterinary medicine is a rewarding career that can be challenging but rewarding.

Suppose you have an interest in becoming a veterinarian. In that case, it’s essential to find an accredited veterinary school that offers courses for mental health professionals who want to specialize in this field (such as Tufts University).

Once you’ve graduated from these programs and passed all necessary exams, you’ll be able to work as an intern or resident at one of these hospitals before applying for jobs.

9. Freelance Writing And Editing

Freelance writing and editing is another great career for people with bipolar disorder. You can work from home or in coffee shops, and you’ll have the flexibility to decide the time you want to spend on your projects.

You can also take breaks whenever needed—the most crucial thing is that you stay calm during those times when stress takes over your life.

If you are interested in trying freelance writing, here are some tips: 

  • Set up a dedicated workspace or use your current one so that you can focus when working on projects.
  • Try to write at least one article per week, if possible. 
  • Start small by registering for free sites like Cracked or BuzzFeed, then move on to more professional websites.

10. Landscaping

If you have bipolar disorder, landscaping could be the career for you. Landscaping is an excellent job for people who enjoy being outdoors and getting their hands dirty. It’s also an ideal choice if you’re creative and independent and don’t mind working hard on projects that take time to complete.

Landscape maintenance jobs require plenty of patience because plants need time to grow to their full potential. If this sounds like something that would suit your personality, and if it doesn’t already, consider becoming a landscape contractor or professional horticulturist. 


1. Can You Have A Successful Career With Bipolar?

People with bipolar disorder can live good lives and be happy and prosperous – just like anyone else.

2. How Do People With Bipolar Disorder Keep A Job?

Part-time work with a flexible schedule can be helpful for people with bipolar disorder, and it can also be helpful to work during the day.

3. Can You Get A Job With Bipolar Disorder?

Your job and daily responsibilities can determine how much your symptoms affect your performance; however, regardless of your position, your reliability, dependability, accuracy, cooperation, and other essential attributes are important.

4. Can I Get A Disability For Bipolar?

Bipolar disorder is included in Social Security’s list of disabilities. If your condition has been diagnosed by a qualified doctor and can prevent you from working, you are eligible for disability benefits.

5. Is Bipolar Considered A Disability?

Both the ADA and the SSA consider bipolar disorder a disability.

6. What Benefits Can I Claim For Bipolar?

Thousands of Americans diagnosed with this condition each year cannot work and hold jobs because of their symptoms. If an individual is unable to work due to bipolar disorder, they may be eligible for either Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

7. Do Bipolar People Have Trouble Holding A Job?

In a survey by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, nearly nine out of ten people with bipolar disorder said the illness affected their work performance.

8. How Much Money Do You Get For Bipolar Disability?

In general, SSDI payments can average anywhere from $800 to $1,800 per month, although these amounts can be more or less depending on your specific circumstances.

9. Do Pets Help With Bipolar Disorder?

Service animals can function as a vital part of treatment plans for various disabilities, from bipolar disorder to PTSD. A service dog can help people with bipolar disorder regain everyday life.

10. Is Bipolar A Severe Mental Illness?

Bipolar disorder is a conditional severe mental illness that causes unusual mood swings, from extreme moods (mania) to low moods (depression).


We hope this blog post has made you see what career paths may be available for people with bipolar disorder. It’s important to remember that the right career is one that you enjoy but also one that meets your needs as an individual.

Thinking about these things when deciding your future will be easier for everyone involved, especially if things don’t work out in the end. Feel free to leave your questions in the comment section. 

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