44 Best Medical Schools In UK Ranking In 2023

The 2023 best medical school rankings are handy resources compiled for students who are considering which medical schools they should apply for.

In this article, we’ll take a look at all the necessary information about the best Medical Schools in the UK based on the UK ranking and many more.

Keep reading!

What Makes A Good Doctor?

The best medical schools in the UK are eager to have students who are committed and also have the initiative to persevere throughout the program.

While judging what makes a good doctor, they also look out for those who have concern for others as people who can be able to communicate with patients.

These aforementioned things are put into consideration apart from just focusing on academic excellence since there are core values and attributes needed for somebody to be successful in the field of medicine.

These attributes have been endorsed by most medical schools as part of the selection criteria as they believe that this would help to train the best doctors.

What Are The Differences Between The Two Ranking Tables?

There are two main organizations that rank UK medical schools each year which are the university guide and the guardian.

The way in which they rank medical schools Including the factors they consider varies.

Let’s take a look at how these organizations rank medical schools in the UK

  • The Complete University Guide

To pull together their rankings the Complete University Guide looks at entry standards, student satisfaction, research quality, research intensity, and graduate prospects. 

These are then collated together to create a final score.

  • The Guardian

The Guardian uses the methods below to compile their list of medical schools ranking in the UK.

They are as follows:

  • Satisfied with the course: This is the rating provided by the final-year students.
  • Another one is satisfied with the teaching rating. 

This is also provided by the final-year students. It is the degree to which they are satisfied with how they are being taught.

  • Another one is satisfied with feedback which is also provided by the final year student. 

It is a rating given by the feedback quality and assessment offered by final-year students too.

  • The student-to-staff ratio is also considered as the number of staff to students would also be considered in the medical schools in the UK ranking.
  • The spend per student will also be considered, which is the amount of money that is being spent on a student without including the academic staff cost.
  • The value-added score would also be considered. 

This is a comparison of what the students were able to graduate with against their entry qualification which shows how effectively the student was taught during their time in school.

  • Another one is the average entry tariff which is the UCAS score of students who are applying for that institution.
  • The guardian medical schools in the UK ranking also takes into account the career after 6 months. 

This is the degree to which a student who graduated from a particular school can get a job or further their education at the graduate level.

  • The continuation of students is also put into consideration. 

This is the rate at which students continue their education after their first year.

Areas Of Consideration When Choosing Which Medical Schools To Apply

You will be able to select 4 medical schools when submitting your UCAS application. Before choosing which ones to select, it’s a good idea to consider:

  • The Entry Requirements

Consider what you will need in terms of A levels and GCSEs and also UCAT/BMAT tests. It’s best to feel confident that you can achieve these, rather than considering anywhere that may be unattainable.

  • Type Of University

This is one of the basic things to consider. 

There is a need to properly know and understand the type of University that you are applying for.

To get a comprehensive answer about that, there is a need to ask this question below such as:

  • Is the university situated on campus outside a town/city, in a small town, or in a large city? 
  • Where do you think you will feel comfortable and where can you see yourself living for the next 5-6 years?
  • Also, consider what your cost of living will be and how far away you want to be from home.
  • The teaching style and subjects covered

This can vary across medical schools, so it’s important to think about what would be best for you. 

The individual medical schools will explain more about their programs and teaching styles on their websites, so it’s a good idea to look at these thoroughly before deciding on where to apply.

How To Apply To Medical Schools In The UK

Irrespective of the medical school you want to apply to in the UK all the application to study any medical program in the UK is handled by UCAS.

You can only apply through the UCAS and you’ll be able to apply to not more than four medical courses. 

If you are already in college or 6-form then the teachers in your school would help you go through the application process.

You should also bear in mind that most people are applying for medical courses and the application process takes time, and it is not as easy as other study programs.

You must make your application one year prior. 

The deadline for medical school applications in the UK is always the 15th of October, while the course will start September the next year if you are accepted.

Entry Requirements For The Best Medical Schools In The UK?

One of the criteria for Medical Schools in the UK Ranking is the school’s entry requirements.

That is to say that each school has its entry requirements for medical courses,

But there are general entry requirements that any aspiring medical student should pose before he/she would be accepted into any medical school in the UK

The general minimum entry requirements to the best medical schools in the UK are three As at A level or a qualification equivalent to that.

One of the subjects or even two of them should be in a lab-based science, which should be chemistry or biology.

Some medical schools in the UK require Physics or Mathematics at A level.

Furthermore, GCSE grades or their equivalent are mostly considered by the best medical schools in the UK, though medical schools vary when it comes to the placement of emphasis on them.

Bear in mind that the admission criteria for medical schools in the UK can change annually.

It is important that before you start preparing your documents for application,

You should visit the official website of the school you are interested in to see updated admission criteria and also understand more about the school you want to apply to.

We have prepared a list of all the medical schools in the UK with their official website so that you’ll be able to access the school website to find out more about a particular School

We have also included the medical school in the UK ranking so that you will be able to see the ranking of your school and know whether it appears in the top 10 medical schools in the UK.

List Of All The Best Medical Schools In The UK Without Rankings.

Before we list the top 10 medical schools in the UK ranking, first of all, provide a list of all the medical schools in the UK.

This is because we want you to see the whole school that you can attend so that you can read about them and make your choice without having to be influenced by the ranking of that school as there are schools that may not appear in the top ten but will suit you academically.

1. University Of Aberdeen School Of Medicine And Dentistry

The Faculty of Medicine, Health Sciences, and Nutrition at the University of Aberdeen include the School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.

As one of the top best medical schools in the UK according to ranking, the school also provides training and research in areas such as

Medical Sciences, Nutrition, Public Health, Dentistry, Health Sciences, and Bachelor’s, Master, and Doctoral levels of studies related to medicine.

The current medical school was created by bringing together the former Rowett Institute of Nutrition, the School of Medicine and Dentistry, and the school of Medical Sciences.

2. Anglia Ruskin University School Of Medicine

Anglia Ruskin University School of Medicine is part of the Anglia Ruskin University, a public university in the East of England, England. 

Its origins can be traced to the Cambridge School of Art, founded in 1852 by William John Beaumont.

The school started operating as a university in 1992 and was named after John Ruskin in 2005. 

The visionary mission of Anglia Ruskin University School of Medicine is to educate doctors who are ready to deliver and practice modern medicine in the 21st century.

3. Aston University Medical School

Aston Medical School is a member of Aston University and is located in central Birmingham, England. 

It is the 34th medical school in the UK and the 6th medical school in the Midlands. 

Its purpose is to train physicians/doctors and promote research in the field of medicine.

4. Barts And The London School Of Medicine And Dentistry

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, commonly known as Barts, is a school of medicine and dentistry based in London, United Kingdom. 

The school is affiliated with the Queen Mary University of London, which is affiliated with the Federal University of London, and a member of United Hospital.

The school was founded in 1995 by London Hospital Medical School (the first school officially authorized to teach medicine in 1785) and St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College (Britain’s oldest surviving hospital), founded in 1123.

5. University Of Birmingham College Of Medical and Dental Sciences

University of Birmingham School of Medicine and Dental Science is part of the University of Birmingham a public research university based in Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK. 

A successor to King’s College, Birmingham, and Mason College of Science, it received a Royal Charter in 1900, which makes the school the first British university to receive a Royal Charter in the form of the civic or ‘red brick’.

The University of Birmingham School of Health and Dentistry defines the future of healthcare and medicine by providing innovative education and cutting-edge research led by the world’s leading researchers.

6. Brighton And Sussex Medical School

Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) is one of the top 10 best medical schools in the UK according to a ranking,

The academic institution is based on a partnership between the University of Brighton and the University of Sussex.

The school follows the general principles of medical practice in the UK, a principle other schools follow which focuses on the standards of Doctors of Tomorrow. 

This is an initiative of the Medical Council operating in the UK that defines the role of medical practitioners in the United Kingdom. 

Since its opening in 2003, BSMS has trained more than 1,500 new qualified doctors who are now working across the United Kingdom.

7. University Of Bristol Medical School

Bristol Medical School is part of the University of Bristol a research university that received university status before the first world war, based in Red Brick, Bristol, UK. 

The school was awarded the Royal Charter in 1909, although the origin of the schools can be traced back to the Merchant Venturers’ schools which were established in 1595.

Bristol Medical School is a top-notch school in the field of medicine offering students opportunities for collaborative and interdisciplinary research. 

The school is divided into two departments: 

Population health sciences and translational health sciences.

8. University Of Buckingham Medical School

University of Buckingham School of Medicine operated in a way that prioritized Buckingham students. 

The medical school is small enough for students to become part of a close and supportive community, and large enough to provide all the experience needed to become a general practitioner.

The short 4.5-year MB ChB course is based on an established curriculum. 

Each part of it is designed to help you develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to become a professional and ethical physician.

The general University of Buckingham is the parent school of the University of Buckingham School of Medicine England and the oldest among all the private universities located in the UK. 

9. University Of Cambridge School Of Clinical Medicine

The Cambridge University School of Clinical Medicine, UK is one of the top schools of medicine in the UK. 

It will be the third-best medical school in the world by 2020 according to QS World University Rankings. 

The school is located in several buildings on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, next to Addenbrooke Hospital and other facilities.

Cambridge students usually enter clinical school after three years of pre-clinical training. 

About half of the clinical training in Cambridge takes place on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus and the other half in regional hospitals and the East of England is where general practices take place.

10. Cardiff University School Of Medicine

Cardiff University School of Medicine is the Medical College of the University of Cardiff, located in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom. 

It was established in 1893 as part of the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire and in schools is the oldest medical school in Wales.

The school offers quality medical programs and is one of the largest and most prestigious medical schools in Wales, with around 500 staff and 300 support staff; more than 1,000 undergraduate and more than 1,100 graduate students study medicine and science courses.

The school has an annual turnover in excess of £50 million, almost half of which comes from competitive external research funding. 

The school is located at the University of Wales Hospital located in Cardiff City.

Now, let’s look at other best medical Schools in the UK

Below are the other best medical schools in the United Kingdom that you can enroll in.

They are as follows:

  • University of Dundee School of Medicine
  • Edge Hill University Medical School
  • The University of Edinburgh Medical School
  • University of Exeter Medical School
  • University of Glasgow School of Medicine
  • Hull York Medical School
  • Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine
  • Keele University School of Medicine
  • Kent and Medway Medical School
  • King’s College London GKT School of Medical Education
  • Lancaster University Medical School
  • University of Leeds School of Medicine
  • University of Leicester Medical School
  • University of Liverpool School of Medicine
  • London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
  • University of Manchester Medical School
  • Newcastle University School of Medical Education
  • Norwich Medical School
  • University of Nottingham School of Medicine
  • University of Nottingham, Lincoln Medical School
  • University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division
  • Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Queen’s University Belfast School of Medicine
  • University of Sheffield Medical School
  • University of Southampton School of Medicine
  • University of St Andrews School of Medicine
  • St George’s, University of London
  • University of Sunderland School of Medicine
  • Swansea University Medical School
  • University of Central Lancashire School of Medicine
  • University College London Medical School
  • University of Warwick Medical School
  • Brunel University London, Brunel Medical School
  • Ulster University, School of Medicine

Best Medical Schools In The UK According To Rankings

Having looked into the best medical school in the UK without ranking.

Let’s talk about the Best Medical Schools that certify the UK ranking Criteria.

They are as follows:

1. University of Dundee

Location: Dundee, Scotland

2. University of Aberdeen

Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

3. University of Edinburgh

Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

4. University of Oxford

Location: Oxford, England

5. Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Location: Brighton, England

6. University of Cambridge

Location: Cambridge, England

7. Swansea University

Location: Swansea, Wales

8. Keele University

Location: Newcastle-under-Lyme, England

9. University of St Andrews

Location: St Andrews, Scotland

10. University of Leeds

Location: Leeds, England


We hope that this article has served as a guide on how to go about your medical program and how to choose from the 44 Best Medical Schools to enroll in 2023.

Thanks for reading!

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