Canvasser: Job Description, Duties and Salary

Did you know that there’s a professional term that is used to describe marketers, salespersons and generally people that go out to talk about a particular product or event or to support a cause. 

Well, this term is known as a Canvasser and in this article, we’re going to discuss who a canvasser is, a canvasser’s job description, duties and salary. 

The next section will now properly define a canvasser. 

Who is a canvasser?

A canvasser is someone who goes door-to-door to speak with people to enlighten them about products, solicit donations, ask them for feedback, or gather and offer other information for an organization.

For the purpose of educating the public about certain products, services, political issues, or philanthropic endeavors, canvassers frequently operate in residential or commercial locations.

Depending on the type of business and the work being done, they could be referred to as salespeople or interviewers. 

Strong interpersonal and communication skills may be crucial for this job, but there is no official, step-by-step schooling requirement or career path.

We’ve just defined who a canvasser is, now in the next section, the job description of a canvasser will be addressed. 

Canvasser Job Description

Canvassers are aggressive salespeople who contact members of the public in an effort to obtain information, close deals or try to influence people’s opinions in favor of a business or group.

 They mostly engage people in conversation on the company’s goods or organization’s values either at their homes or in public places.

Canvassers are employed by a range of charity organizations, for-profit businesses, political parties, and governmental bodies to collect information, sell goods, ask for donations, or disseminate information.

To convince individuals to purchase a product, support a cause, or provide information, canvassers must combine marketing knowledge with people skills such as listening and customer service. 

Further, in order to meet with people in their target markets, canvassers frequently have to go through neighborhoods, campuses of educational institutions, or commercial centers.

So, the location or setting of this job is not stagnant. 

Canvasser Job Duties

Employer-specific canvasser responsibilities differ, however, all canvassers are expected to act professionally when speaking with members of the public. 

While some canvassers are given a list of possible donations or clients, others are occasionally expected to find their own contacts.

Below are some of the key duties of a canvasser. 

  • It could be necessary for canvassers to hand out informative materials that support a specific brand or cause. They frequently have to spend a lot of time on their feet or going from door to door.
  • Campaign fundraisers frequently employ nonprofit or political canvassers who are required to solicit contributions or volunteers.
  • To maintain the integrity of research findings, canvassers who work for market research businesses are supposed to keep accurate records.
  • Addressing inquiries regarding the company’s goods, the party’s leader, or the group.
  • Attending protests, exhibits, fairs, and other business-related gatherings.
  • All canvassers must be knowledgeable enough about the product or cause they are promoting to be able to answer questions.
  • Transporting themselves and others to canvassing locations.
  • Canvassers must be able to help clients, donors, or interviewees complete surveys, forms, or questionnaires accurately.
  • Memorizing and reciting the company’s prepared sales scripts or statements.
  • Phoning strangers on the phone at work in a bid to promote their products or services. 
  • Acquiring new canvasser trainees and educating them on how to go about the job. 
  • Approaching and conversing with people about the business or group on the street, at shopping centers, and in their homes.
  • They must ensure that they hold a professional demeanor during work hours. 
  • Meeting the organizations they work for or intend to work with for the company’s quotas.
  • Demonstrating expertise about the company or product while trying to influence perceptions of the product or service. 
  • Obtaining signatures and personal data for organizations and political parties.

Salary Information for Canvassers

There isn’t much occupational data available for positions like canvassers.

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of 2019, door-to-door salespeople, street vendors, and other related workers made an average hourly wage of $16.90, with half of them reporting hourly wages between $11.07 and $19.07.

The bottom 10% of earners made less than $9.40 per hour, while the top 10% made more than $29.61.

A canvasser or door-to-door street vendor made a median annual income of $27,420.

However, the salary of a canvasser may differ according to his employment sector as well as the state he resides in.

Let’s first discuss the pay of a canvasser according to the employment sector. 

Pay by Employment Sector

Two-thirds of door-to-door salespeople sell telecommunication services, which is where the majority of canvassers work, however, their earnings are not made public.

In comparison to other industries, direct sales employees made the most money, on average $20.93 per hour.

Although sales are a major component of many jobs, that is not always the case.

 Both political parties and nonprofit organizations commonly deploy canvassers to ask for donations or raise awareness of their concerns.

Even though these are typically voluntary positions, it is possible to locate paid employment.

 One example is the U.S. Census Bureau, which, according to Payscale, paid canvassers an average of $16.40 per hour in 2020. 

Pay Differences by State

In 2019, the average pay for these employees was $23.12 per hour in New York, which has long been known by its numerous street vendors and canvassers. 

Massachusetts came in at $21.18 and Iowa came in at $21.82, respectively.

The following two states with the highest average wages were Tennessee ($20.45) and North Carolina ($20.07).

The average hourly compensation for canvassing in the New York City region was $25.29, more than the $23.79 in Phoenix, $22.89 in Dallas, and $22.01 in Boston among metropolitan areas that reported their canvassing wages to the BLS.

The point is, the salary of a canvasser is also influenced by the state or area they reside or work. Whatever amount that’s generally accepted in that state is what you’ll be paid. 

Job Outlook for Canvassers

The future of employment for street sellers and canvassers is not promising. This is because as time goes on, more effective methods of advertising and marketing are introduced thereby reducing the demand for canvassers. 

Consumers are less likely to buy products from direct-selling businesses that knock on their doors and are more likely to rely on online commerce for their goods and services.

According to the BLS, the American economy will create jobs at a rate of 14% through 2020. However, it is predicted that employment for canvassers and street sellers will fall by 7% or around 11,500 jobs.

Watch out for job board canvasser ads that promise to pay extraordinarily high earnings or offer quick promotion prospects, they may be fake.

If a non-profit group offers you a position, take the time to thoroughly investigate the company to make sure it is legitimate before you venture into it.


If you’re an outgoing individual who does well in convincing or persuading people, becoming a canvasser may be a great career option for you.

This article has discussed who a canvasser is, its job description, duties and salary of canvassers. 

So, you could give this job or career path a try. Any questions you have regarding this topic can be shared with us in the comments section.


Is Canvassing A Career?

Not exactly.

This is sometimes an entry-level position with minimal salary that frequently only requires a high school diploma and no prior expertise in the field.

 But on a full-time or part-time basis, operating as a canvasser on commission has the potential to provide a very substantial wage.

Do canvassers make Good Money?

Yes, depending on the state or the sector they work in. In the US, the average annual wage for canvassers is $43,293, or $20.81 per hour.

What Does Canvassing Mean in sales?

Making contact with potential clients who have never interacted with a brand or company is known as canvassing in sales.

How Effective is Canvassing?

Canvassing door-to-door typically raises turnout by about 6%. Given the minimal nature of our experimental treatments, the magnitude of these effects is quite striking.

Does Canvassing Work for sales?

Since it helps businesses close sales to new clients, canvassing is also advantageous to businesses. 

It is beneficial to speak with customers and persuade them to buy, and it could be more cost-effective than luring random customers.

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