The 10 Best Career Matches For INTP Personalities

INTP personalities are often described as being quiet, reserved and independent. 

They tend to be considered introverts who prefer working alone and are often self-motivated. INTPs have a natural ability for problem-solving and analysis.

This article will focus on the best career matches for INTP personalities, their strengths and weaknesses, how they can overcome workplace challenges, and much more.

INTP Personality Overview

INTPs are introverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. They are known as the “architect” of the MBTI ( Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). 

Logical and analytical skills characterize the INTP personality type. 

They enjoy coming up with new ideas and theories that challenge traditional thinking.

INTPs have a deep interest in understanding the human mind and its workings, which can sometimes make them bored with their job if they don’t have something stimulating going on at work or school. 

However, this isn’t necessarily bad–it means you’re flexible enough to adapt to whatever situation arises.

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Best Career Matches for INTP Personalities

Some careers are more suitable for INTP personalities, while others aren’t. Some of the suitable careers include the following:

1. Engineer

If you’re an INTP, engineering is a great career choice.

The engineering field gives your logical mind plenty of room to work, allowing you to use your creativity and problem-solving skills. 

Engineering also allows for creative freedom because it’s such a broad field with many different types of jobs available.

You can choose whether or not your focus is on technology or research rather than just one area, which would probably be more helpful for most people. 

Plus, if something doesn’t work out in the field, there are always ways around it, by switching careers or moving back into academia later on. 

For those interested in science or math specifically, as well as engineering jobs, remember that while they may seem like nerdy subjects at first glance, there are plenty of opportunities outside these fields too.

An example is medicine, where being good at math helps tremendously.

2. Inventor

INTPs are good at seeing the big picture, which makes them great at inventing new products. 

They can also develop new ideas that others haven’t thought of yet. 

If there’s a problem, INTPs can solve it by creating a creative solution or finding another solution altogether. 

3. Business Analyst

A business analyst is involved in analyzing systems, data and details. The INTP is a natural at analyzing the big picture of a situation. 

They’re good at seeing how systems work, how they can be improved and how they affect others. 

This can be applied to anything from business processes to customer service interactions.

The INTP’s analytical mind can help them create new ways of doing things in organizations or industries where no one has done it before. 

For example, if you’re improving customer service at your company but don’t know what structural changes are needed (or who should make them), an INTP might have some ideas about this process that others would not have thought of yet.

4. Mathematician

If you have an INTP personality, you can be a mathematician.

A mathematician excels at one or many areas of math and then applies that knowledge to solve problems in various areas. 

Many in this field focus on mathematical theory, attempting to prove or disprove complex questions about how the world works numerically.

You might call in a statistician to run statistical analysis on how well your company is performing compared to others or a geometry expert to help solve problems involving construction. 

5. Lawyer

Lawyers are often very good at research and analysis, and that is synonymous with INPTs

They need to be able to stand up in court and argue their case, so it’s important to have a good memory of facts. 

However, this doesn’t mean that lawyers can’t do other tasks like writing or helping people with their day-to-day lives. 

Many lawyers find themselves doing these things on top of their actual legal work. 

Lawyers also tend to be very detail-oriented, which makes sense given that their job involves analyzing complex rules and regulations set forth by law enforcement agencies across the country and sometimes even beyond. 

This can make it difficult for them when dealing with clients who might not understand how certain situations affect them personally.

6. Information Security Specialist

Information Security Specialists (ISSPs) are excellent at finding flaws in systems and processes. 

They’re also very good at finding flaws in software, hardware, and security systems. 

This can be especially useful when you work for a company that has been hacked or if you have an interest in learning how to protect yourself from cybercrime.

As an INTP, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to use your skills as an ISSP. 

You might be hired by an organization dealing with internet-connected devices like smartphones or tablets to start your nonprofit organization dedicated to keeping children safe online.

7. Computer Programmer

In the world of computer programming, the INTP personality type can thrive. 

INTPs are logical and analytical thinkers who enjoy working on projects requiring solving problems.

This makes them great candidates for careers in computer programming and software engineering, where they can easily apply their skills to solving complex problems.

INTPs tend to be quiet and reserved individuals who prefer working alone rather than socializing with others during their free time. 

They might even find themselves spending most of their days at work alone unless they have no other option, which may not happen often. 

In addition to being good at solving problems efficiently through logic-based thinking, which works well in coding, INTPs also tend towards creativity. 

8. Author

INTPs are good at writing and solving problems.

Due to their logical thinking, analyzing information, and creating solutions to the world’s problems, they’re also well-rounded individuals who enjoy learning new things and sharing their knowledge with others in a way that doesn’t feel like work, which means that writing books are right up their alley.

9. Scientist

If you’re an INTP, the job of a scientist may be right up your alley. INTPs are drawn to scientific research and like solving problems. 

They also tend to have a solid sense of curiosity about the world around them, so they’re good at focusing on the task at hand and letting nothing else get in their way.

10. Academia

The INTP is a thinkers, and their best careers involve thinking. 

They like to get their hands dirty with creative projects, so it’s helpful if your career has room for experimentation. 

If you’re an academic or a professor, this may be something you already do on the side.

But if not, consider joining an organization like the Academy of Art University or even starting your own university if that sounds appealing.

Think about what makes sense logically. Academia demands rigorous research into topics such as anatomy or history.

These fields offer plenty of opportunities for creativity in their own right.

INTP Strengths

You’ll have a good time working with an INTP. They are naturally curious, creative, and logical thinkers. 

They have an eye for detail and can use that to solve complex problems. 

This makes them great at what they do; finding patterns in data and making sense of it, finding solutions to problems that require flexibility and creativity.

They’re also great at handling any project you throw their way.

INTP Weaknesses

INPT has some weaknesses. Some of these weaknesses include the following:

  • Lack of social skills – The INTP personality type tends to be introverted and reserved. They are often perceived as unfriendly or aloof, even though they may be friendly once they get to know you better. This can make it hard for them to make friends at work or find their place in the office environment.
  • Lack of patience – The INTP personality type has a hard time understanding other people’s problems. This can cause frustration among coworkers who are trying to explain something simple, like why someone didn’t show up on time. 
  • Lack of motivation – Because INTPs prefer deep thought over shallow activity and don’t like being told what task needs doing by someone else, this can lead them away from projects that require a lot of effort over time.
  • Inability to prioritize tasks correctly due partly because they don’t have enough information available before making decisions. This causes issues such as confusion when multiple tasks need to be completed simultaneously.
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What Qualities Does an INTP Personality Have?

INTPs are one of the most creative and original thinkers in their field. 

They tend to be excellent at solving complex problems and understanding the underlying structure of new ideas.

INTPs tend to be very independent thinkers who can work alone on projects or tasks without much supervision from others. 

However, they do need some amount of social interaction in order to feel fulfilled and content with their lives.

They also tend to stubbornness, which makes them resistant to change unless it’s required for personal growth purposes (i.e., learning something new). 

This can sometimes lead them into blind spots when dealing with people who might not understand how easily influenced an INTP can get by other people’s opinions/ways of doing things.

However, if you’re able to communicate effectively, then this isn’t necessarily such a bad thing.

What Is an INTP like at Work?

INTPs are the most independent and curious of all the Myers-Briggs personality types. 

They enjoy solving problems on their own and don’t mind working alone in a quiet setting. 

They see the big picture but also appreciate the detail and can often figure out how to solve a problem by looking at different angles or perspectives.

INTPs have an excellent memory for information, which makes them great researchers who love being challenged with new tasks. 

They enjoy finding solutions for people’s problems rather than just advising them about what might be wrong.

This makes them very good at helping their coworkers get unstuck so they can concentrate on getting things done again.

How to Overcome workplace challenges as an INTP?

  • Listen to your instincts.
  • Use analytical skills to find the best solution for yourself, not just for others or for the company as a whole, but also for yourself in terms of what you need right now and how it can help you achieve success over time. 
  • Be patient and don’t rush things; understand that some things will take more time than others because they require more thought, research and planning on your part before they can even begin being implemented successfully into practice, and that doesn’t mean just waiting around until everything falls into place magically overnight. 


1. Can INTP Be Successful In Life?

INTPs’ sense of success depends on their opportunities to exercise their active minds, their opportunities to seek and find Truth, and the state of their relationships and extraverted lives.

2. Who Is The Natural Enemy Of INTP?

INTPs are bothered by the following: Authoritarianism. Forced Conformity. Intrusiveness.

3. What Is The Average IQ For INTP?

Arguably, it would be safe to assume that the average IQ of an INTP would lie somewhere in the range of 100 to 110 IQ points.

4. What Is The Weakness Of INTP?

A significant INTP weakness is the tendency to be condescending and critical, either of their opponents or those who simply don’t catch on as quickly as they do.

5. Who Is An INTP Female Best Match?

Although two well-rounded individuals of any type can have a healthy relationship, an INTP’s natural partner is an ENTJ or ESTJ.

6. What Are INTPs Afraid Of?

Being Physically Helpless or Out of Control.

7. Are INTP The Smartest Type?

Some might describe the INTP as the smartest personality type—rational, creative, and ceaselessly curious.

8. How Shy Are INTP?

The INTP is also typically shy and may experience difficulty when talking with people they do not know. 

However, INTP can be very outgoing and talkative when they are comfortable with people or knowledgeable about a topic.

9. Are INTP Powerful?

While they have a quiet demeanour, INTP personalities have powerful intellectual abilities that benefit any work environment. They’re logical, fast thinkers who excel in analyzing the connections between fine details and small pieces of information and explaining challenging concepts.

10. What Makes INTP Unique?

People who score as INTPs are often quiet and analytical.

They enjoy thinking about how things work, spending time alone, and finding solutions to problems.


The INTP personality has a lot to offer. 

They are creative and innovative, with a keen interest in technology, which can be useful for solving problems.

They also enjoy learning new things, so finding ways to improve upon existing systems is something they would do well at. 

They also have high expectations of themselves and others, which means that they will likely not accept less than their best effort ever again. 

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