Guide To Homeschooling In Oklahoma

Homeschooling is a right guaranteed by the Constitution of Oklahoma and by state statute, it is one of the most homeschool-friendly states, and it has one of the most precise homeschool guidelines out of other states.

They have no requirements when it comes to homeschooling, but there are some recommendations that they have to ensure you can prove that the child is receiving a “proper education”. 

If you wish to start homeschooling in Oklahoma, it’s advisable you get the run-down of laws, regulations, and curriculum to be sure it’s something you can keep up with.

In this article, we will give you a complete guide to homeschooling in Oklahoma

A Complete Guide To Homeschooling In Oklahoma

Let’s take you through the homeschool laws and requirements in Oklahoma:

1. Record Keeping 

In Oklahoma, the homeschool law does not require parents to submit any report though it’s advisable to keep records of anything concerning your child’s education, they require homeschoolers to provide instruction for 180 days per year.

This includes progress reports, samples of coursework, standardised testing results, and transcripts. 

Some online apps will help you with tracking and making the bookkeeping process easy. Through the apps, parents can download coursework, access progress reports and transcripts, and track attendance. 

It is also advisable for parents to keep any standardized testing results or evaluations on file. 

2. Homeschool Standardised Assessments In Oklahoma

It is not compulsory to participate in standardised assessments in Oklahoma, but some homeschoolers see it as a perfect way to evaluate their student’s progress and make sure they cover the curriculum.

The Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP) is a series of tests that students take between third and eighth grade. High school students should also take the ACT or SAT if they plan to attend college after graduation.

3. Homeschool Graduation Requirements In Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, it is the parent’s responsibility to set up the requirements and issue diplomas to their students.

In the process of setting the requirements for graduation, make sure to set them based on what your child wants to do after school and also ensure they meet the necessary requirements throughout high school

In addition to earning a high school diploma, homeschoolers can also take the GED. Your child has to be an Oklahoma resident to receive a GED in the state. The GED can be taken at the age of 18, or you can sign a parental consent form if you would like your child to receive an equivalency diploma between the ages of 16 and 17.

4. Your Notice of Intent

A notice of intent to homeschool is simply a letter stating that you are planning on homeschooling your child. For states that require a lot of paperwork in order to homeschool legally, the letter of intent is generally the first step in filing

This simple letter identifies each child, their homeschool teacher, and the courses they will be taking. This letter need not be lengthy, but here are a few simple guidelines:

  • Include your home address and telephone number
  • Include each child’s name, age, and grade level
  • And finally, close with an invitation to contact you should the principal have any questions or concerns.

It is recommended that you send this letter via certified mail which provides you with the security of a receipt. Also, note that the law does not permit public school officials to visit or inspect homes.

5. Returning To Public School After Homeschooling

If you choose to stop homeschooling and decide that you’d like to send your child to public school, your child will need to take a standardized test administered by the school he or she will be attending.

Parents will need to provide proof that their child took the test and can obtain a copy of the test results and the actual test given. Copies will be kept at the school for a period of one year. 

Test results are used to show if the child has competently completed coursework equal to that of students in the same grade level in public school.

Read Also:

What You Need To Know About Homeschooling In Oklahoma

  1. While Homeschooling in Oklahoma, it is not compulsory to inform your school district that you are homeschooling 
  2. If you decide to withdraw your child from school, you don’t need to give the school a notice but you should inform the school before keeping your kid home.
  3. For a homeschool teacher in Oklahoma, there are no particular requirements you need to meet before you can teach.
  4. There are no minimum hours per day that homeschooled learners must attend, but 180 days per year are encouraged.
  5. You are encouraged to teach the same subjects as public schools, meaning that there are no required academic subjects.
  6. The state of Oklahoma does not mandate you to keep any particular records for your kid.
  7. As a homeschooler, you do not have to let your kids participate in standardized testing.
  8. If you withdraw your child from a public school and bring them back to re-enrol, your kids will be required to complete a standardized placement test.

Compulsory Subjects For Homeschooling In Oklahoma

Oklahoma homeschool laws strongly suggest you teach the following subjects:

  • Language arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science 
  • Social studies which include civics and a study of the US constitution. health, 
  • safety 
  • physical education
  • conservation.

What Are The Most Popular Oklahoma Homeschooling Support Groups?

Most of them are religion-based and include:

  • LIGHT Homeschool Group
  • Homeschooling in OKC Metro
  • Norman Area Home Educators
  • Cornerstone Christian Academy
  • Lawton Christian Home Educators
  • Red River Christian Homeschoolers
  • Christian Home Educators Fellowship
  • Trailblazers Homeschool Association
  • The Christian Education Alliance
  • Oklahoma Christian Home Educators Consociation
  • Educators for Christian Homeschoolers in Oklahoma
  • Northeast Oklahoma Association of Homeschools Jaguars

Why Time4Learning Is The Leading Homeschool Curriculum In Oklahoma

Time4Learning is the curriculum through which the homeschool parent teaches their student.

Time4Learning has been providing online homeschool curriculum for over a decade and has helped nearly 500,000 students and listed below are the benefits:

1. Time4Learning’s fascinating and entertaining interactive curriculum captivates your students’ minds so learning is easier. 

2. It helps you set goals and record progress, plan your week, and keep notes on your children’s strengths and weaknesses.

3. With time4learning you can choose to focus on a single subject or work on core subjects such as language arts, science, and mathematics. Or, explore the 4,000+ activities to sharpen your child’s understanding of specific concepts.


In conclusion, note that the step to homeschooling is making your decision to home-educate your child and Homeschooling seems easier in Oklahoma

Please leave us comments if you have questions or further insights that may help others who are looking to homeschool in Oklahoma.

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