Guide To Homeschooling In Oregon

As a parent, when you think of homeschooling as the best option for your child it’s very common to have questions about how to go about it and the best resource for it.

In order to begin homeschooling in Oregon, you will need to register your children with the Education Service District (ESD) in your area.

One of the many benefits of homeschooling is that it gives the student freedom to learn at their own pace. Also, it gives the parents the opportunity to choose where their children will learn and the best curriculum for them.

In this article, we will give you a guild to homeschooling in Oregon and the laws and requirements of homeschooling in Oregon.

Guide To Homeschooling In Oregon- Reviewed 

Here is the perfect guide to help you with homeschooling in Oregon:

1. Research Your Option

Before making a decision of withdrawing your child from public school or homeschooling your toddler, you need to make proper research, read books and magazines and understand the state’s homeschool law as well as their curriculum options.

Educating yourself about the various routes you can take is the best way to define why you are making this decision, it will make you feel more confident with your decision.

While doing your research and you don’t understand anything, feel free to consult your fellow homeschooling mums, don’t just get frustrated if you do not understand.

Homeschooling laws and regulations vary by state. Some states require families to notify a government agency when they decide to take their children out of public school. Other states may not. These laws are typically available on your local government’s website. 

2. Decide On Homeschooling Curriculum and Methods

Once you complete enough research to make an informed decision, you will need to select a homeschooling method for your child. The first thing to do is to consider your reason for choosing homeschooling as the best option, this is important because it will likely influence the homeschooling method you chose for your child.

Before deciding on a homeschooling method, you should ask your child for their input, especially if they are coming from a conventional classroom and before choosing a specific homeschooling curriculum try to investigate the providers and weigh the pros and cons of each one.

Blogs, online forums, and Facebook groups are wonderful tools for getting more information about various providers as well as the perspective of parents who are currently using them or have in the past.

Luckily, most homeschooling curriculum programs allow parents to decide whether their child’s schooling is structured, laid back, or somewhere in between. When you first start homeschooling, it is important to be flexible and willing to try a new way of doing things if your original plan is not working.

3. Begin Homeschooling Your Child

August is usually the best time to resume homeschooling for your child though one of the benefits of homeschooling is that you can start anytime you want.

Some states will need you to first withdraw your child from the current school while others require you to notify a government agency. Once these necessary steps are completed, your child can begin homeschooling. 

Also Join a Local Homeschooling Group

Meeting homeschoolers in your area will net you valuable information. Here you’ll find other families who can answer questions, let you review their at-home teaching habits, and show you how homeschooling works for them. 

You can learn about age-appropriate activities your children may want to participate in, such as sports, tutoring, or small clubs that suit your child’s interests. During weekly meetings, parents may opt to teach a subject such as a foreign language or a science lab to a group of students.

Must Read:

Homeschool Laws And Requirements In Oregon

Oregon homeschool laws are straightforward, and as long as families abide by these guidelines, they will not run into any issues when it comes to legally homeschooling. 

First of all, parents need to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to homeschool to the local Education Service District (ESD). Homeschoolers must also participate in standardized testing in third, fifth, eighth, and tenth grade. 

Children with disabilities should also be professionally evaluated regularly to ensure they are maintaining educational progress.

1. Record Keeping 

Keeping records is not part of the requirements in Oregon but keeping thorough records of a child’s homeschool education is always encouraged. 

Things like progress reports, standardized testing results, and samples of coursework are all things to consider keeping on file. These items make it easier for students who plan to pursue post-secondary education or ever transfer to public or private schools.

Parents can also download coursework, track progress, and record attendance.

2. Homeschool Standardized Assessment In Oregon

Oregon law requires standardized homeschool tests administered by a qualified test examiner after grades 3, 5, 8 and 10 by August 15.

Under Oregon Law (ORS 330.035), all students who are homeschooled are required to test at the end of grades 3, 5, 8, and 10, with two exceptions.

Oregon homeschool laws require homeschool students to participate in approved standardized assessments to evaluate academic progress. Parents can choose any test that the Oregon Board of Education has approved.

3. Homeschool Graduation Requirements In Oregon

The state of Oregon does not provide for any requirements for homeschoolers to graduate; parents make and decide the rules for their homeschool program.

They are responsible for issuing high school diplomas to their homeschoolers as well as for establishing their graduation requirements, often using a template they obtain online. 

In these cases, an individual homeschool functions as an independent educational institution, and the diploma serves as proof that a student has completed the course of study required by that institution. Most colleges, universities, and employers accept homeschool diplomas as proof of high school graduation.

It is advisable that you establish these requirements based on what your student plans to do after high school, whether that is pursuing higher education or joining the workforce. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. How much is the stipend for homeschooling in Oregon?

For grades K-8, the stipend is $800, divided into $400 per semester.

2. Is kindergarten required in Oregon?

Children five years of age who have been enrolled in a public school are required to regularly attend the public school while enrolled in the public school.

3. What age do kids start school in Oregon?

5 years old

In general, students must be 5 years old by September 1 to enrol in kindergarten.


We hope this was helpful and relieving.

Homeschooling is good though it can be challenging. With this article, you will understand how to go about homeschooling in Oregon.

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