The Ultimate Guide To Homeschooling Preschool

Preschool is a fantastic age because these young children are just starting to learn school basics and are full of natural curiosity and beginning homeschooling for preschool can be challenging and exciting at the same time.

It can be difficult to know where to start and when you are getting started with homeschooling.  At this age, preschoolers are very observant, eager to learn, and very curious about the world around them. 

Taking advantage of that enthusiasm can help you instil a love of learning early on and inspire them to be lifelong learners.

It’s important to do sufficient research to ensure that your young learner starts off their academic career on the right foot. Make sure to take advantage of opportunities to guide them as they discover the world around them. 

In this article, we will give you a detailed guide to homeschooling preschool so keep reading.

The Ultimate Guide To Homeschooling Preschool-Types

There are so many styles of homeschooling, and we will break down some of them in this article to help you know the right one for your family.

1. Traditional Homeschooling (School At Home)

Traditional homeschooling simply means doing school at home with the same method as those in public or private schools. Most kids that have attended school are already familiar with this style of homeschooling because it’s similar to the traditional classroom.

The classroom you will use at home, the schedule and some of the resources will be similar to that of the public or private schools.

Some parents that are new to homeschooling prefer this style because it’s familiar and there is an “all-in-one” curriculum package always available to purchase.

These packages include all of the materials you need without you having to come up with lesson plans on your own. 

The traditional homeschool method is most effective for students who lean toward auditory and reading learning styles. A child who requires learning through hands-on methods or a visual learner will not do as well with this method.

Some special needs children who really thrive off structure will also do well with this method.

Traditional homeschooling has its pros and cons, but it can (and often does) breed burnout, discouragement, and a feeling of failure. Because home life is different from school.

2. Waldorf Homeschooling

This type of homeschool makes more emphasis on age-appropriate learning, foreign language, gardening, and art. This type of homeschooling is relatively inexpensive and there are free resources on the internet that can be used.

The Waldorf Homeschooling Method emphasises creativity and imagination at all stages of the child’s development and strives to teach the child as a whole not just their head, but their heart and soul too.

Their style recommends teaching children in blocks of 3-6 weeks per subject. So rather than changing subjects on a daily basis, they would learn one subject (in-depth) for several weeks, and then switch.

3. Montessori Homeschool 

Montessori is wonderful, it is unique because it is a way of life for your whole family

The Montessori method is less focused on academics and more focused on life skills, but additionally, you are adding academic subjects like Math, Language Arts, Science, etc

The major difference is that you are the one to facilitate the learning process and set up your environment and house classrooms.

This style of homeschooling is always fun because they play and learn, and they have more freedom in their learning style.

When you choose to use the Montessori Method in your homeschool, there will be some decisions to make. For example, how strict or how free you will make it. It is your homeschool, so you set the rules

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4. Classical Homeschooling

Classical homeschooling involves teaching based on the three stages of learning: the Grammar stage, the Logic stage, and the Rhetoric stage. The curriculum teaches grammar, dialectic and rhetoric through a Christian worldview.

This  method focuses on teaching children how to think, rather than what to think, they learn through three different phases: the grammar stage, the logic stage, and the rhetoric stage often referred to as the Trivium model. 

This homeschooling style is based on cycles of information that is often learned in chronological order. 

The first grade is the elementary grade, this is when you build the foundation that your child needs to learn and grow. 

It focuses on memorization and repetition to form the building blocks for the next stage.

In the next stage children move on to analytical thinking. Parents use this time to ask a lot of questions to figure out how everything they have learned fits together and relate. 

The last stage of the trivium in the classical model of education is rhetoric, which is essentially using the knowledge and logic they learned up to this point and learning how to express themselves with original thought.

What Does A 3- Or 4-Year-Old Learn In Preschool?

Below are some skills that 3- or 4-years olds typically learn in preschool.

Pre-literacy Skills

  1. Name all uppercase letters and some lowercase letters
  2. Identify initial letter sounds
  3. Tell a story using pictures
  4. Recognize their first name

Math Skills

  1. Count to 10
  2. Recognize and name numerals 1-10
  3. Name basic shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle)
  4. Identify the days of the week and their order

Other Skills

  1. Name colours
  2. Identify body parts

Writing & Motor Skills

  1. Hold a pencil correctly
  2. Write the first name
  3. Trace lines
  4. Colour within lines
  5. Cut lines with child-sized scissors


In conclusion, there’s no doubt that homeschooling  is the most efficient method of teaching because no one knows your child better than you.

No matter what subjects you choose, whether you choose a prepackaged curriculum or not, or whether you choose to dedicate a whole room to the preschool adventure, it all depends on what you want for your child.

Also remember that homeschooling does not reduce the educational value your child will get at a preschool level, just keep the basics in mind. Keep it fun. Keep it simple. And keep it going.

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