4 Things Emory Graduates Need To Know About Launching A Small Business

Emory graduates have the skills and knowledge to launch their small businesses. Whether it’s because you want to leave Atlanta or you’re looking for something new, a small business can be a great way to start your career.

The first step is knowing where to begin, though. This blog post will teach you four things that all Emory graduates should know about launching a business.

About Emory Graduates

Emory grads are well-rounded, hardworking, and ambitious. They’re also from all over the world, meaning you’ll have to learn to communicate in different languages.

While you may be used to learning about your students’ backgrounds by now, it’s important that you take some time out of your day-to-day routine to learn more about their home countries and cultures.

Emory students are diverse in terms of their interests and career paths, which is true for everyone else.

When we talk about “diversity,” it means having a wide range of experiences that can be useful for any small business owner looking for guidance when launching their own company (or even just keeping up with trends).

Launching A Small Business

If it’s launching a small business, know that there are many resources available for help with that process and, most importantly, for guidance on making sure your business idea is not only good but also profitable and sustainable). Here are four things that all Emory graduates should know about launching their own business:

1. Know your brand And Obtain a License from Emory

A brand is the sum total of all your company’s physical, digital, and verbal elements. It’s what people see when they look at you—it’s who you are as a business.

A brand has more meaning than just a name; it represents who you are as an organization and what you stand for in the world.

For someone to associate himself or herself with your brand, they need some kind of emotional connection: maybe it’s nostalgia (like how many people still use AOL), maybe it’s trustworthiness (like how many people still choose FedEx over UPS), or maybe it’s something else entirely—but whatever that connection is, it needs to be present if anyone wants to feel like they’re part of your tribe.

If not enough people know about this powerful connection between themselves and their favorite store/service/product, then why would anyone care about buying from them?

Once you’ve got a strong brand, you can use it to launch new products or services, advertise your business more effectively, and even find new customers. A brand is a promise someone makes to their customer about what they can expect, which is why people keep coming back for more.

After you know your brand, it’s important to understand how the licensing process works. They will require you to apply for a license from Emory University and complete an application form with the Business Office at Emory.

The Business Office will review your application and determine if you’re eligible for an initial license or if any additional requirements need to be addressed before approving your business venture.

Once this has been determined, they’ll contact you about scheduling an appointment so they can discuss all of these details in person or over video chat so as not to delay opening day too much longer than necessary.

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2. You Need A Website.

Your website is your brand’s online home, and it helps establish credibility and is a great way to get customers.

Your website can also be used as a marketing tool, especially if you have social media accounts set up for your business. If people like what they see on the blog or Facebook page, they’ll want to check out your actual site too!

Social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram can be powerful tools for promoting your brand in ways that traditional advertising methods don’t allow, like getting customers excited about an event. 

The more things you post, the more followers you’ll gain. The more fans you have, the easier it is to reach an audience interested in what you’re doing. When people see your posts on social media or in their news feed, they’re likely to take action—clicking a link or making a purchase. 

3. Create A Social Media Presence For Your Small Business.

Social media is an efficient way to reach out to your customers, and it can also help you build a community around your brand and get feedback from them, which is important in helping you understand what they want or need.

You can also use social media as an online store where people can buy products or services directly from you, which makes it easier than ever before. 

Social media is among the most popular ways for businesses to communicate with customers nowadays because it gives them a place where they can connect with individuals on a personal level and make new relationships.

That said, it’s important to note that social media can also be a great tool for businesses. It lets you reach out to customers in ways that weren’t possible before, so it’s definitely worth considering when trying to grow your business.

4. Be A Part Of The Community You’re Launching In.

Community involvement is important for any business, but especially so in the case of a small business. It’s one way to get a sense of your target market, build relationships with potential clients and understand their needs. Here are some ways that Emory grads can become involved in their community:

  • Join a local business organization such as the Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Club (or both). You can meet people with similar interests and learn about how they work together.
  • Volunteer at an animal shelter, food bank, or soup kitchen. If possible, find out what organizations need help with before signing up for volunteering trips—you might discover that there aren’t enough volunteers. Or, if you’re feeling particularly adventurous: start your charity. 
  • Find a way to give back to your community. Whether volunteering at an animal shelter, food bank, or soup kitchen, finding ways to be involved in your community is important for any business, especially a small business. It’s one way to get a sense of your target market, build relationships with potential clients and understand their needs.


If you’re a graduate of Emory University and are interested in launching your own business, many resources are available to help you get started.

From the university itself to local nonprofits that offer workshops on how to start up and run a small business, there are plenty of opportunities out there for those looking for advice from experts who have been through it all before.

And if any of these things don’t seem like good fits for you (I mean, who wouldn’t be excited about being a part of something bigger than themselves?), don’t worry.

There are plenty more ways besides starting an actual business that graduates can use their education from Emory University while still making money at the same time. They’re not just limited to ideas like freelance writing or consulting.

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