What College Accepts A 2.0 GPA In California?

Just like me years back when I realized that my GPA was very low compared to my expectations.

I felt so depressed for a long time.

All that I could think of was ” What College Accepts A 2.0 GPA In California” since I was trying to secure a scholarship over there.

The best thing I did was to look at my grades in a positive way and created room for improvement. 

I enrolled for professional Certifications and also work on myself.

I can gladly say that it paid off.

With this….

You can see that graduating with a 2.0 GPA is never a hindrance to what you can achieve when you have a positive mindset.

If only you are willing to make it better.

Then, this article is for you.

I’ll walk you through everything that you do with your GPA score of 2.0 and colleges that accept the grade point.

Let’s get started….

What College Accepts a 2.0 grade point average?

Grading systems can differ from college to college. 

GPA, or Grade Point Average, is a number that indicates how high you scored in your courses on average. 

Most colleges in California use a scale of 1.0 to 4.0, your GPA tracks your progress during your studies. 

This number is used to assess whether you meet the standards and expectations set by the degree programme or university.

List Of Colleges That Accepts 2.0 Grade Point Average

In California, most colleges do not admit students with a grade point as low as 2.0 due to the high competition in schools. The average grade point acceptable by the majority of colleges is 3.0. 

Nevertheless, there are still a few colleges in California that admit students with low-grade points.

Below is a comprehensive list of colleges that accepts as GPA as low as 2.0:

  • The California State University

It is a university located at Turlock and it offers a wide range of bachelor’s degrees, masters degrees and even doctoral programs to students. It also has an excellent transfer agreement with other colleges in the state.

This college works hard to maintain a high enrollment rate among its students.

Students who want to get admission into this college must have at least an average GPA of 2.0 or above on a 4 points scale but if you have taken AP courses before now, your GPA will be considered higher than that.

  • California State University, San Bernardino

This University is based out of San Bernardino City and it has received many awards for its research work done by faculty members here over the years. 

It offers several undergraduate degree programs like business administration etc which can help you build up good career prospects after graduating from here.

You need not worry about getting admission into this institution due to their strict admissions criteria.

All you need is a minimum average GPA of ¾ points on a 4 point graduating system.

  • California State University Northridge (CSUN)

This University was established as a part of the California State University system way back in the 1960s though there were talks about starting such an institution in the 1950s itself.

It offers several undergraduate degree programs along with graduate level ones too.

So don’t worry if you are looking for something specific because chances are high but still they have got something for everyone based on admission.

  • Sonoma State University (SSU)

Sonoma State University was founded way back during 1964 where both men’s basketball teams won the championships against each other. 

That’s why the place was named Home Court advantage.

Nevertheless, as far as education is concerned, I wouldn’t recommend that you apply unless you have all the requirements otherwise there is no chance.

Other colleges includes:

  • Mill College
  • California State University, Los Angeles
  • Humboldt State University
  • California State University, Dominguez Hills
  • California State University, Monterey Bay
  • Loyola Marymount University (LMU)

How to Improve Your GPA?

It is difficult to improve Grading Point Average scores especially if you are already in high school or your college applications are right around the corner. 

It is never too late to work on your GPA whether you are a high school student or a college student. 

However, the amount of improvement depends on how early you start working on it. 

Even in college, you must maintain a good GPA for job applications. 

Here are some steps you can take to improve your Grade Point Average such as: 


  • Set Goals

A vague wish to finish school with a high GPA is about as effective as wishing you were a pro tennis player while eating ice cream on the couch. 

If you want to go somewhere, make a plan for what it takes to get there. 

Use our GPA calculator to find your current GPA, set a realistic goal for raising that number, and then figure out what grades you will need to earn.

  • Organize

Organizing and following a plan can be very helpful. It gives you a sense of direction on what to study next or what improvements to work on. 

Look at your syllabus for each subject and focus more on topics you struggle with. 

Find out from exam papers where your problem lies and spend more time on that. Make a study plan or schedule for the month. 

Find a study spot you are comfortable in and make regular studying habits. 

Check your exam dates and plan accordingly. Separate the time for homework, assignments, and self-studies throughout the week.

  • Balanced 

Having a wide number of subjects puts a good look at your transcript. 

However, loading your schedule with classes and subjects may take a bad turn. It is difficult to focus on so many things at once. 

Therefore focus on subjects that are within your field of interest. 

If you are reluctantly doing classes you don’t like and score poorly in, your GPA score will be dragged down. 

Good GPA scores in a few core subjects are far superior to poor GPA scores in a lot of other subjects.

  • Study Smart

This is something very important. If you are not studying efficiently it is a waste of time. 

Build good study habits so you can be efficient throughout your study sessions. 

Figure out what study method is easiest and quickest to understand for you. 

The smart study is the opposite of pulling all-nighters and skipping meals. 

These habits will just lower your capabilities. 

  • Homework

There is a reason you get homework. It is to improve your understanding to a greater extent about a topic taught in class. 

Therefore homework is important. You should make time for homework in your study schedule. 

Submitting all the homework also puts a good impression on your teacher and gives them the motivation to help you out more. 

  • Study Group 

If studying alone is difficult you can form a study group with people who have the same goal as you. Working together and helping each other out can be a fun way to study. 

However, studying with students who are not interested in studying can be a major distraction. 

Therefore choose your study group mates wisely. 

If you can be someone who does not get easily swayed by other influences this step is helpful. 


The Areas That Can Make Up For Your Low GPA 

When you are applying for college, they will look at your grades, extracurricular activities, recommendation letter, and personal statement. 

Besides working on your GPA you can also take part in different extracurricular activities. 

  • Extracurricular Activities

These activities help you improve your social skills and confidence in communication. 

Colleges look for students with such traits so they can confidently engage themselves in important matters. 

You can earn a sports or music scholarship if you are doing well in sports. 

Volunteering and community service can surely make your college application stand out. 

Starting your own business whether small or big can surprisingly be helpful too. 

  • Recommendation Letter

Teacher’s recommendation is also something colleges look for in your application. 

Teachers know you well and therefore are trusted with recommendation letters by colleges. 

If you are applying for a sports course or scholarship and your sports coach writes a recommendation, it increases your chances immensely. 

Through the letter, the admission office can have an idea of your potential to improve. 


  • Personal Statement

A personal statement can say a lot about you. In your statement, you write down what made you who you are now. You mention why you choose this college, why you choose this subject and what your purpose is. 

It is a chance to show off your accomplishments, skills, and what you did to achieve them. 

You can take help from teachers and school advisors to write your statement. Take your time for this one. 

A student’s GPA score is often judged but does not be discouraged. There are many opportunities in life when you work for it. 

You can improve your GPA if you work hard and focus on it. It is an important number in your current life but it will merely just be a number when you are all grown up. A low GPA does not mean you are incapable or not intelligent enough. GPA scores can be influenced by a lot of factors therefore do not let a number define you. This article explains what to do with a 2.0 GPA, therefore follow it and make changes. 


Having a Low Grade Point Average (GPA) has been one of deal breakers for colleges or Universities.

Due to this development in the educational sector,  many colleges and universities in California have decided to develop a transfer-student friendly policy for students who want to apply further but feel depressed because of having low grades.

An average GPA for in-state students at the above listed colleges in California is 2.8 which means that if for instance, you have a 3.0 grade or lower grade, then there is still hope.

What are you waiting for?…..Start applying!

I hope that this article has helped you to properly understand more about some top colleges in California that accept students with low GPA.

For further questions….. 

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